Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lighting moments 2-3 - Philippe Bronchtein

Last night I was walking back from work and the lamps that line the edge of pathway leading to the CFA were casting an orange glow on the grass and the concrete. There were soft edges around the light and the light was darker on the grass and much brighter on the concrete.

This is the kind of thing that could be reproduced to separate the stage in half. By lighting the entire stage with amber light and then adding white light on one side and maybe a darker purple or Green on the other (just to darken it into the black floor), you could kind of create that separation akin to the grass vs. concrete.

I was sitting in Proctor dining hall last night in the lounge area and the lights were off. It was light enough outside and it was very pleasant lighting situation. Then someone decided to turn all the lights on. It immediately became very bright, invasive, and obnoxious.

Obviously, some serious compositional consideration would be required before putting this into a piece, but it could be achieved by allowing the audience to settle into a dim lighting environment for sometime and then quickly rising to high intensity lights. It would create discomfort and shock...which might be what you're going for?

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