Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Experimental Art, 360 Response 2 AV

The reason why we don't experiment too much is because we are still trying to master the techniques we have been taught!! (or at least that is the case for me!). I know the author speaks of all artists, thus more experienced ones should maybe try to reach the experimental zone, but I'll just focus on me here! Ha! I don't just follow the footsteps of my teachers, but I do take in the essential techniques that I know will allow me to grow, and when I perform, I want to show that I have done so and I am very grateful.

As for the leaps that random people in history have taken and thus, have been labeled experimenters, as the author describes, THIS IS NOTHING NEW. THIS WILL NEVER CHANGE. Yes, I have no hope for the future. No, I'm kidding, but what I mean is that someone will always upset the intellectuals, the experienced, the masters, but that is life and it grows on us. The evolution of women's clothes in 20th century is a perfect example, especially with bathing suits! In the 1960's, wearing a bikini was risque. A little before that, women went swimming fully covered. Again, this is life and something will always scratch out the norm. Who cares if people find Lady Gaga weird. That is the way of life.

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